Home Ties...
Below are our articles on the subject of Home Ties. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Asking Your Boss for a Transfer or Sabbatical
A realistic guide to requesting a transfer or sabbatical from your current employer in order to experience working abroad....

Considerations on Returning to the UK
Many people live and work abroad for spells of their life before coming back to Britain. Whether the return is forced or unforced, joyful or bitter, here are some tips…...

Expatriate Communities
Feeling lost or homesick while working abroad? Hooking up with your fellow expatriates might make you feel better....

Getting a New UK Passport When Working Abroad
If you happen to be working abroad when your UK passport is up for renewal, you can still get a new passport, as long as you leave plenty of time and plan carefully. A…...

Maintaining Your Business Network When Working Abroad
A guide to using the latest social networking to keep in touch with your business contacts when working abroad...

Making Cheap International Phone Calls
Don't let yourself be mugged by the telephone companies with their high international call rates. Our article shows you how you can get cheap international calls....

Renting Out Your Home in the UK
A guide to dealing with renting out your home in the UK when you go to work abroad, including whether or not to use an agency and what to do when you want to return....

Should You Go Work Abroad on Your Own?
Understanding the types of work abroad that's available for people travelling on their own....

The Importance of Having an EU Driving Licence
An article that highlights the importance of having a photocard driving licence with you at all times when working overseas....

Things to Do Before You Leave the UK
In all the excitement of moving abroad, it’s easy to forget something important. Use a checklist to help you remember....

Updating Your CV After Working Abroad
A professional's approach to re-writing your CV after gaining valuable work experience abroad...

Using Agencies to Help You Relocate
If you're confused and uncertain about any aspect of going abroad to work, perhaps you need a helping hand to make it all go more smoothly. Consider employing the…...

Voting While Outside the UK
While working abroad, you can still exercise your right to vote in British elections. You just need to register as an overseas voter....