Government Issues...
Below are our articles on the subject of Government Issues. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Double Taxation Agreements
Understanding the tax implications of working abroad and where to find out good information to help ensure you're doing the right thing....

Emergency Help Overseas
Understanding the three main services for offering emergency help overseas....

Healthcare When You Work Outside the UK
When you go to work abroad, you leave the NHS far behind. So what are your options if you fall ill?...

Making the Most of Available Schemes
A look at some of the different schemes available to help you find work abroad....

Paying Taxes When You Live Abroad
Your tax affairs are inevitably going to get a little more complicated when you go work abroad. Our article gives you an overview of what you can expect....

Registering with a Government When Working Abroad
Although it's unheard of in Britain, in many other countries it's a legal requirement that you register with the local government wherever you go. When you go to work…...

Social Security Benefits Abroad
If your life hits a rough patch and you need access to social security benefits when living abroad, what are your options? Do your rights end when you leave Britain or…...

What Do Chambers of Commerce Offer?
A guide to understanding what your local Chamber of Commerce do to help you find work abroad....

Your Pension Abroad
You may not want to think about it but you know you should. What happens to your pension when you go and work abroad?...