Using Agencies to Help You Relocate
Moving house, even within your own country, is generally considered to be one of the most stressful events any of us ever experience. How much more stressful is it then when you're not only changing house, but country too! You may not speak the language and might be bamboozled by a barrage of unfamiliar customs and regulations.
Wouldn't it be great if you could make all of it go away? Take all the stress out of the experience and let someone else handle all the difficult issues? Well, perhaps you can. At least that's the promise made by the agencies which specialise in the business of relocation.
It should be noted that most of these companies are geared towards high-level corporate employees or government personnel. Indeed, some of them may deal exclusively with this kind of clientele. In other words, if you're saving every penny, this probably isn't for you. In the face of adversity, you'll just need to grin and bear it. But for those of more lavish means, what exactly can you expect from a relocation agency?
International Relocation Agencies - Pre-Departure Services
Most relocation agencies are focused on a single city, rather than a country as a whole. They are usually independent, although occasionally firms with multiple offices are found. Based in your destination, they may also partner with other agencies in your home country to give you a local point of contact before leaving.If you are moving outside of Europe and therefore have to take immigration requirements into account, relocation agencies may be able to help you lodge an appropriate application, although, for this, some may refer you to a specialist instead. Similar arrangement can be made for your spouse and even your pet!
If the move is something you haven't absolutely decided on, relocation agents can arrange "taster trips" for you and your family to become familiar with the destination and see whether it appeals to you.
Once your heart is set on a move, relocation agents will help you arrange accommodation in your new country. They will consult with you on your accommodation needs, and discuss whether you want to rent or buy. Afterwards, they can arrange appointments for you to view suitable properties.They will help you rent or buy a car, or import your existing vehicle should you prefer that. Converting your driving licence, or arranging a new one, is something they will be able to advise you on.
International Relocation Services - After the Move
Once you have made the move, a relocation agency will often arrange for you to have an introductory tour of the city you have moved to, making you aware of the local leisure and entertainment opportunities as well as any hazards or danger areas you need to know about.Agents usually give a presentation to you and your family, on what you can expect from the new country, including tips on etiquette and information about any legal requirements you must fulfil. They will also be on hand with advice and, if needed, translation assistance to help you fulfil them.Relocation agencies will attempt to make you and your family feel comfortable in your new country. They will be able to recommend language trainers if needed. Some will offer assistance in finding local employment for your spouse. If you have children, they will help you find suitable schools for them and carry out the enrolment. Ongoing advice, often in the form of a helpline, will usually be available for the duration of your stay.